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One Pot Paprika Beef and Red Wine Stew

We saw the card at Waitrose for this one and immediately thought "that would work when we’re camping in the Dutch Oven" and boy we were not wrong. Slightly tweaked from the original recipe, you won't be disappointed by this One Pot Paprika Beef and Red Wine Stew!

As always, amounts in all of our recipes are approximate (we are in a field after all!) - we are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot!

Cook how suits you in the environment you are in - campfire, camping stove or oven. It will be delicious either way! You know the mantra by now right - glowing embers and Dutch Oven all the way for Camping Scamping HQ!


Beef braising steak, cubed

1 onion, sliced

Garlic, crushed

Smoked paprika, to taste, but we used a generous tablespoon as we love paprika!

Balsamic vinegar (or balsamic glaze)

Red wine (about half a bottle - pour yourself a glass whilst you are cooking!!)

Tinned tomatoes

Olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat olive oil in the Dutch oven over the flames and then add the seasoned beef and brown. Do this in batches depending on the size of your dish. Set aside once it is all done.

  2. Add a little more oil if needed and then add the onions and garlic, stirring and cooking until browned and softened.

  3. Add the paprika and stir through the onions/garlic for about a minute/

  4. Then add the vinegar, reduced until the liquid has evaporated - or you could skip this step and just add balsamic glaze later!

  5. Add the wine, simmer and allow it to reduce to about half the volume.

  6. Add the tomatoes, swilling the can out with about half a can of water and add.

  7. Return the meat and any juices to the mixture, stirring through and bringing to the boil.

  8. Put the lid on and simmer for about an hour - stirring occasionally and taking care to not catch the bottom of of the Dutch oven if you are over flames.

  9. After about an hour, remove the lid and cook until thickened.

This delicious recipe is really versatile - you could always cook it at home and just warm through when you get to the campsite, but we love the additional smoky flavours the fire give it - really adds to the paprika. Serve it with anything you and the scamps fancy - mash, bread, salad. We went for foil wrapped jacket potatoes cooked in the embers whilst the stew was bubbling away! Let us know what you think in the comments - what would you serve our One Pot Paprika Beef and Red Wine Stew with?

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