Last summer we were scamping for the second time at Bedgebury Camping (we love it there - one of our favourite campsites and you can read our review here!) with some dear friends. Nattering around the fire, playing the ukelele, drinking wine and generally having a soul-topping up scampingly good time, we started roasting marshmallows and popping popcorn in our Huckleberry Campfire Popcorn Maker.
In a moment of crazy madness we dunked our marshmallow in the bowl of popcorn creating a unity of camping snacking goodness. The popcorn stuck, the combo was copied and guzzled by all and the CloudPop was born!! It was a seminal moment in our Camping Scamping journey. Angels sang, children squealed and excitement grew. The possibilities were endless, why had nobody thought of this before?
It has taken some time to come back down to earth from this mind blowing moment, but ready for the Bonfire Night weekend when fires are going to be lit and marshmallows toasted, we thought we would share a few of our favourites!

The original CloudPop!

Trilogy of white, milk and dark chocolate!

Rice Crispies (it really works!)

Jelly beans!

More marshmallows!

Fruity Tic-Tacs!

Crushed Oreos!
The combinations are endless - all you need is a flame, marshmallows and your imagination! Give it a go and discover your favourite CloudPop!