Staple here at Camping Scamping HQ that automatically elevates any camping meal. With a little bit of prep you just throw these onto the fire and let the dancing flames do their magic! We have brought you lots of foil recipes, but this one is perhaps the easiest and biggest crowd pleaser! Keep reading for our Potato and Onion Camping Foils recipe.
As always, amounts in all of our recipes are approximate - no time for precision cooking in a wood! We are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot!
Cook how suits you in the environment you are in - campfire, camping stove or oven. It will be delicious either way! Glowing embers all the way for Camping Scamping HQ (although we have been known to do these on a weekday for tea in the oven!)
New potatoes
Onions, sliced (or shallots if you are feeling a little fancy!)
Garlic butter or whatever margarine/butter you take with you to the campsite
Spray olive oil
Aluminium foil
Par boil the new potatoes, allow to cool and then slice (you could do this at home)
Take a double layer of foil and spray the inner layer with olive oil.
Place a generous handful of sliced potatoes on top.
Followed by some slices of onion/shallot
A knob of butter on top
Wrap into foils like you would for a banana foil
Place onto the fire (or sit above on the grill).
Keep rotating them, sporadically open them up and give them a stir to make sure they are not sticking to much and to ensure the golden brown gnarly bits are all the way through!
They probably take about 30 minutes depending on the intensity of your flames.
Our Potato and Onion Camping Foils go with absolutely anything, but this time we served them with a sausages, corn and salad. Perfection!
